8-Bit Theatre
            It’s all about Final Fantasy 1, baby! This strip, in theory, comes out on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. It’s some good stuff. There’s plenty of killin’.
            The art, as the name implies, looks like it would on an NES. Clevinger is a big RPG player, so if you’re still wondering exactly what a "Final Fantasy" is, perhaps this may not be the strip for you.
            This one makes me laugh.

Elf Life
            The art here is fantastic. It’s the continuing saga of all Elfdom, strung out through time and space like nobody’s business. Thing is, with all that time traveling and skipping around, it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on. To be honest, I’m not even sure if Carson Fire knows where he’s going. I don’t mind though. It’s cool.
            Elf Life is known for its risqué art gallery, and now the actual comic is beginning to feature nudity. Don't worry, though: the regular comic is a censored version. It seems now that Carson Fire has this dual strip, he feels the need to display nudity every day. He still has my respect, though.
            It’s daily, although there are occasional gaps.
            Elf Life definitely deserves its ‘Spothood.